
Don’t let finances keep you from camp.

Camp Hebron maintains a campership fund, supported by proceeds from a Benefit Golf Tournament, donations from private individuals, and charitable gifts from foundations in order to provide support to those who need assistance paying camper fees. Funding is available for families that need financial help in order to make camp a reality.

Campership funds are available to anyone of any age for any camp program, with special priority given to help children.

Campership Deadline: May 31st

Apply for a Campership

  • 1. Fill out an application.

    Please be as specific as you can in the dollar amount you need to be able to send your child or attend a program.

    Typically, camperships awarded cover 1/2 of the total cost. This amount could vary based on your circumstances. We encourage you to inquire about matching support from your local church.

  • 2. Invite a pastor, friend, or neighbor to fill out an advocate form.

  • 3. Submit your application and advocate form by May 31st.

    Email your completed application and advocate form to Or, mail to:
    Camp Hebron
    Attn: Camperships
    957 Camp Hebron Rd.
    Halifax, PA 17032

Camperships are limited to one award per individual per year. Camp Hebron reserves the right to make the final decision regarding any campership funding awarded.

Applications received in entirety will be processed by the designated review committee on a monthly basis. Upon review of an application, applicants will be notified of the amount of funding to be applied to the outstanding program balance.