Parents’ Corner

Getting Ready for Camp

  • Get Excited for Camp

    You play a key role in helping your camper have an excellent experience at camp. Talk with your camper about all of the things they may experience and about things which may make them nervous. Your approach and conversation about camp matters!

  • Prepare for Camp

    We start sending program-specific information to families in March. Review that info with your camper, complete your online forms, and pay your balance. Who’s to say you can’t start packing too?

  • Pray for Camp

    Cover your camper’s week in prayer. Pray with and for your camper as your get ready for camp and as they get to experience all that camp has to offer! Prayer is powerful and effective.

Cost of Camp

Camp Hebron is committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to attend camp.

Our three-tiered pricing structure is intentionally designed to allow families to choose the option which best fits their situation. We are dedicated to providing the same high-quality programming for each camper and family regardless of their financial situation.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

This price point is our lowest cost option and is subsidized by generous donations.

This price point is slightly higher than Tier 1 and helps cover the direct cost of a week of summer camp including program costs, food, summer staff stipends, and camp administration.

This price point covers the actual full cost of camp including all aspects of facility maintenance, operations, programs, utilities, etc. If your means allow the selection of this option, we greatly appreciate the additional financial support.

Register for a Camp Hebron program and choose the pricing tier that best suits your financial situation. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required with all registrations. Payments may be made in-full or in installments.

Need some financial assistance?

Camp is better together! Refer-a-friend and save money!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Camp Hebron is a controlled environment in which all guests are required to register. Staff are carefully screened and appropriate background checks are conducted. Summer staff go through intensive training which includes how to care for and counsel children of all ages, and are never permitted to be alone with a child. Staff in skilled positions such as lifeguard or wrangler are required to have standard certifications. goes here

  • Our summer staff includes certified First Aid Consultants (FACs), available 24 hours a day during summer camp sessions. FACs review all health forms in advance and meet with parents during check-in to review your child’s needs and health history. If you have specific medical questions for the FAC prior to attending camp, please, email


  • Camper Check-in on Sundays is between 2:30pm – 3:45pm.

  • Sorry, no. Registration doors will be shut until 2:30pm as our staff are not ready to receive campers early.

  • If at all possible, please make arrangements to arrive at Camp between 2:30-3:45pm.  However if that simply is not possible, please, let us know via the Arrival & Departure Times form on your online registration.

  • We believe the best way for a camper to experience the full benefits of camp is to be fully present at camp. If at all possible please change appointments to a different week, inform the coach your child will be absent, etc.  If there is no way around the conflict, please, let us know via the Arrival & Departure Times form in your online registration.

  • Each camp week ends with a Closing Program Friday evening, starting at either 6:00 pm or 6:30 pm. Please consult your child’s specific camper letter for the exact time and location.

  • For just a few snacks at the pool’s Snack Shack $3-$7 is sufficient. The Snack Shack is visited approximately 1-3 times each week. If campers want to purchase a t-shirt, sweatshirt or other Camp Hebron memorabilia, $15-$30 would be appropriate. Here’s a sneak peak at our Gift Shop.

  • Any remaining store card amount will be automatically donated to Camp Hebron the Saturday after their week is over, unless you’ve elected to have that money refunded to your account. To have your store card money refunded, please, email the Program Director ( with the title “Store Card Refund.”

  • Yes, you can log onto your online account and check your camper’s store card balance at any point throughout the week. Click into the appropriate registration season and you’ll see a “Camp Store” module at the bottom right which shows the remaining balance.

  • The easiest way to add money to your store card is during the initial registration phase. Select your camp session and choose the amount you’d like to add. After you’ve registered, you may return to your account and edit your initial registration to add money to the store card; however, you may not edit the amount previously selected.

  • We will send you a pre-arrival letter via email 6 weeks prior to the start date of your camp which includes a specific packing list for your camper's week of camp. Here is a generic packing list that may be helpful:

    • Sleeping Bag & Pillow

    • Small Backpack

    • Towel for the Pool & a Towel for Shower

    • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, glasses, etc.)

    • Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries

    • Water Bottle (please put your camper's name on it)

    • Insect Repellant

    • Sunscreen

    • Swim Suit (Girls: No bikinis; Boys: No speedos)

    • Sweatshirt

    • Rain Jacket/Poncho

    • 1-2 Pairs of Long Pants (need for horseback ride)

    • Sneakers (Flip Flops & Crocs only permitted for the pool)

    • Shower/Water Shoes (ex: flip flops, water shoes for pool, shower, creek stomps)

    • Bible, Notebook/Journal, Pencil or Pen

    • 2 Large, Heavy Duty Garbage Bags Labeled with Camper Name (for dirty clothes & end of week pack-up)

  • All prices are per person, unless otherwise noted. All camps require a non-refundable registration fee of $50 at the time of registration. The balance is due one month prior to the start date of the program, or upon registration if registering within one month of the program date. Checks or money orders can be mailed to the office, or you may pay by credit card through your account. Payments may be made in installments too.

  • Our rates have deliberately been kept low in order to make the camp experience available to all who wish to come. However, camperships are available for those who still have financial need. Learn more about camperships.

  • Final balance payments are due 30 days prior to your scheduled program.

  • Cancellations made more than 30 days prior to program will result in loss of deposit only. For cancellations made 15-30 days prior to the start of your program, 50% of payment made will be refunded, less non-refundable deposit. Cancellations made less than 15 days prior to the start of your program will result in a loss of all camp fees. Refunds will only be offered in the event of a medical emergency. Camp Hebron must receive prompt, written notice from a qualified physician verifying the camper's injury or illness. No-shows for any camp forfeit their entire camp fee. Children that are sent home for inappropriate behavior or homesickness are not eligible for a refund.

  • Yes. Your child can request up to 2 bunkmates.  Please note, if you or their friend have not added a Bunkmate Request through your online account we have no way of knowing they want to be together. To check if you have submitted any bunkmate requests, please, login to your account and fill out the “Bunkmate & Refer-a-Friend Form.” Refer-a-Friend discounts do NOT double as roommate requests. If siblings would like to room separately, please, let us know that information too.

    Additionally, we try to create cabin groups within similar ages. We cannot guarantee that bunkmate requests outside of 1 grade level difference will be honored.

  • Nope. Once your “Bunkmate & Refer-a-Friend Form” has been filled out, you don’t need to do anything more. We’ll do the work on our end to make sure your children are rooming with their friends.

  • No, sorry. We believe that the best way to experience camp is to be fully present, So, our staff and campers have the unique opportunity to unplug from technology while they’re at Camp Hebron. We do encourage sending your campers emails through our one-way email system. Campers will also have some “down time” each day during which they can write letters home. Please send your child with stationary and stamps so you can read about their week! Also, you can check out photos of your child’s camp week through our SmugMug account.

  • Homesickness is a natural response to new situations and routines. Our schedules are packed with fun, age appropriate activities, which will help your child build relationships and experience new things. Often homesickness occurs during down time, meal times, and bed time. Please send your child will a favorite stuffed animal or book to bring a little bit of home to camp. Our staff are trained to comfort and counsel children who may experience homesickness. Leadership staff will check in with each cabin throughout the week and provide support for homesick campers. If a camper experiences extreme homesickness, camp staff will call home to seek parental advice.

  • Camp Hebron meals are delicious and the food is plentiful. Our kitchen staff prepares meals that are well balanced and appeal to kids and families. Alternatives are available for those with food allergies or strict diets. Please fill out all pertinent information on your child’s health form.

  • We want to take care of your child, but we need advanced notice to do so.  Please fill out all allergy and dietary restrictions on your child’s health form. If you have specific concerns or questions, please contact the Food Service Director ( at least 2 weeks in advance of your camper’s arrival to discuss details, view the menu and figure out options. 

  • Yes! Camper mail and emails will be distributed each day during lunch or dinner.

    Mail can be sent to 957 Camp Hebron Rd., Halifax, PA 17032. Please, include your camper's name and cabin number on the envelope.

    You may send one-way emails to your camper too. You may add those emails to your online account for a small fee. Emails can be sent to with your camper's name and cabin number in the subject line.

  • Yes. Camp photos are posted several times throughout the week on our password protected SmugMug account.

    The album password is included in your pre-arrival letter.

Our Staff

  • Interviewed & Background Checked

    Our summer staff go through an extensive application and interview process. Staff members have their background checks and clearances.

  • Trained & Certified

    Summer staff go through 2 or 3 full weeks of training, depending on their roles. Staff in specialized roles hold relevant certifications. All staff are first aid, CPR, and AED trained.

  • Christ-Centered

    We strive to hire staff members who love and pursue God with their whole lives. Our hope is that each staff member grows in their faith as they share the love of Jesus with campers.

  • Relationally Oriented

    Whether a staff member serves in the barn, leads adventure trips, or is a camp counselor, our staff pursue opportunities to build community wholeheartedly.

“Barn staff was excellent and the counselors were great. Overall everyone on staff was awesome as usual!”

— Horse Camper Parent

“This was [my child’s] first time at a camp. She had fun times with her cabin. She LOVED breakfast. It challenged her in a lot of ways which was a great thing. I think Camp Hebron is a lovely place and I would recommend it!”

— Camper Parent

“My kids loved the songs, activities, and meeting new people in the circle of Christ.”

— Camper Parent

“We love Camp Hebron so much. It’s always a joy to send my child there.”

— Sojourners Parent