
Giving the gift of camp.

Everyone deserves the chance to experience the life-changing impact which can come with an experience at camp. Whether it’s an overnight youth summer camp, a family camp week, or simply a weekend retreat, allowing people to experience a change of pace and place can have an eternal impact.

In 2023, we were able to give nearly $100,000 in camperships to individuals and families who wanted to attend camp. Over 275 people were impacted because of the generosity of our donors. Typically, camperships awarded cover half the cost of the program. The need for financial assistance is ever-increasing.

We are so grateful for a group of faithful donors, foundations, and organizations that support the campership initiative.

Ready to support the campership initiative?

  • Sponsor or participate in Camp Hebron’s annual benefit golf tournament.

  • Donate directly to the campership fund online or by mail.

  • Partner with us in a during a special event or fundraiser. Several of these events and opportunities happen annually.

Camper Parent

“We feel that our daughter grew in her independence during her week at camp. She made many memories that she will cherish and she's already talking about returning next year!”

Horse Camper

“Loved my counselor and the Bible study was vibing.”


Impact Partner


Monthly Giving