The Heartbeat
If you’re looking for an upbeat, cheerful article, this probably isn’t it. Certainly, I could share some summer camp facts and figures, funny camper quotes, praises for our summer staff, or stories of lives being changed because of experiences at camp. Those happen all summer, every summer and it’s incredible. However, that’s not the full picture.
Our 2023 summer theme was The Heartbeat centered on Ezekiel 36:26: I will give you a new heart and put and new spirit in you. I will remove from you a heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Countless campers turned their hearts to Jesus this summer. The hearts of summer staffers were challenged and encouraged. Yet, some hearts remain unchanged. Some hearts—despite hearing the Gospel, living in community, and experiencing the joys of camp—continue to be hardened. And, honestly, that can be disheartening. Welcome to my recent, personal reflections.
Why do hearts remain unmoved—impenetrable and unaffected? It doesn’t make sense. Yet, that is a reality for those serving in ministry—some hearts won’t change. We continue to love and serve people regardless. We continue providing hospitality, nonetheless. We continue taking chances on people anyway. But, why?
Ultimately, we do so in following Jesus’ example. There’s a story in Mark 5 which provides some insight. Jesus is travelling through the Gerasenes and restores a demon-possessed man. Remember the story where the demons enter the pigs, and they charge into the water? (Yes, that one.) Eventually, the townspeople hear about it and beg Jesus to leave. God-incarnate is working miracles in their midst and their hearts are unreceptive. Jesus leaves promptly thereafter.
Imagine Jesus’ response in that moment. Certainly, a sense of frustration, indignation, or at least an “Are you kidding me?” would have been justified. Yet, Jesus simply gets into a boat and continues in His ministry. He leaves knowing that one man’s life was radically transformed, and that man was given an assignment—to share his testimony with others. Out of that testimony, other’s lives were changed. What a powerful story!
I want to follow Jesus’ example. Jesus takes risks on hard-to-love people. He engages those whose hearts seem immutable. He faithfully pursues His Father’s work despite others’ responses. He loves sacrificially, serves selflessly, and His heart never changes.
Friends, ministry is hard for all of us. And I’m not just talking about those of us serving in “ministry” roles. Daily, we, as the body of Christ, balance joys, celebrations, heartaches, and setbacks as we seek to love God and love others. Some days, it’s easy to become discouraged. Though, remember Paul’s exhortation in Galatians 6:9: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Friends, continue faithfully pursuing the ministry in front of you—in your workplace or your classroom, at your church or among your peers. Imagine, if just one heart turns towards Jesus, the incredible testimonies which will follow. Hearts can change and Jesus wants to use you in the process. Will you allow Him to?