Outdoor Education for School Groups

Bring your students for a day of experiential learning on our 340 acres of wooded property. Whether conducting a stream study or learning more about native plants or mammals, our programs will engage your students and complement their classroom learning. Our curriculum is adaptable to your group’s specific needs and interests, and our staff will work with you to customize a program that fits your students.

  • Ages

    Programming is adaptable to grades K-12, with chaperones provided by the school. Curriculum content can be tailored to different ages and activity levels, or to reach specific educational goals.

  • Scheduling

    Field trips are offered year-round. Plan a half-day or full day of outdoor education, or combine a shorter workshop with our adventure education or other programming for a customized experience.

  • Curriculum Overview

    Our programs range from stream studies, bioblitz surveys, and educational nature hikes and animal encounters to hands-on nature crafts, fire building, and shelter building. Be prepared for a trip full of learning through doing, all in the beautiful outdoors.

Questions? Ready to get started?

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it connected to the rest of the world".”

— John Muir