Why Does Camp Hebron Exist?

If you've been around Camp Hebron for any length of time, you're probably already familiar with the countless activities, programs and adventures that we have to offer. Of course there is our summer camp program, enduring since the very beginning. There are weekend trips, programmed retreats, horsemanship opportunities, facilities for groups running an event of their own and much, much more. In the midst of all that is "going on," it is easy to lose sight of just what it is that we do. Why do we even exist?

At Camp Hebron, we cultivate a sanctuary where people connect with God, nature and each other. This means that we are intentional about nurturing an environment where all who come are drawn closer to God, where all find joy in creation, where all form and deepen relationships. We don't take it for granted and just assume these things "happen." Rather, we're purposeful about what we do to make these outcomes not only possible, but probable.


When a farmer plants a field, much work is done to prepare the conditions for an abundant harvest. The soil is tilled, the ground watered, weeds pulled, and protection from the elements provided. There is a deep process of cultivating and nurturing the land, preparing the place where a seed can grow. 

By saying that we cultivate a sanctuary, we refer to a similar process. We make every effort to prepare the conditions that enable people to experience renewal, refreshment, and growth. We purposefully sustain a setting where Christ is revealed both in the beauty of creation and in the lives of our staff. We preserve a place of refuge for all who are burdened amid this broken world.

We do this by working as a team to serve every guest with integrity, professionalism, and excellence, and by demonstrating a Christ-like spirit and a servant’s heart.  We do this through intentional rejoicing, establishing an atmosphere of joy where all that is good is celebrated.  We do this by encouraging fun and the freedom that comes with laughter, and by sustaining a natural environment that declares the glory and creativity of God.

The word “Hebron” implies fellowship:  This is a place where communion runs deep.  Our longing is that all who come would draw nearer to God, find joy in creation, and form and deepen relationships.

Why do we exist? To cultivate a sanctuary where people connect with God, nature and each other. Will you join us in this mission?