A Note of Thanks

When I joined the Camp Hebron family nearly a year ago this time, I discovered a practice among the staff of recognizing “Ephesians 3:20 moments,” times where God had done “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” I’m grateful to former Interim Director Ray Schnickels for introducing this to the staff – what a fitting theme it turned out to be!


This year has undoubtedly had ups and downs – I imagine the same has been true for many of you, your families, your businesses – but time and again we have seen God move in ways we would have never thought possible. Twice we received unexpected gifts celebrating the legacy of loved ones that have passed. A new friend of camp came forward with an overwhelming contribution, allowing us to move our build-the-barn project forward (we expect to break ground early in the new year!). Our Board of Directors followed through on the astounding matching challenge laid out at last year’s Association banquet.

We continued to see volunteers step forward as the very “hands and feet” of Christ. Our lawns were mowed nearly all summer by one volunteer. Another has routinely collected and delivered our recycling, helping us steward the natural environment (Not only that, but thanks to the generosity of a faithful donor we’ve recently be able to place recycling bins all over camp). One young person was even selected for an award for her service here – watch for updates to come; you’ll see her on the news in December!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
— Ephesians 3:20-21

Snow is falling as I write, creating a beautiful mountain backdrop outside my office window. With every season, I am reminded that beauty and creativity come from God, the author of all creation. This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful to God for doing immeasurably more than I’ve asked or imagined. And I’m grateful to you – volunteers, prayer partners, donors, campers, guests, staff and board – for the unique role each of you play in the Camp Hebron family.  

With Gratitude,

About Camp Hebron

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