Josh Always Wanted To Go To Camp

Josh was so excited to have the opportunity to go to overnight summer camp for the first time in his life.

Josh is a wonderful kid and always wanted to attend camp.  He has five brothers and sisters, the youngest of which has down syndrome.  His mom has the privilege of staying home with her children, to home school and care for her family and special needs daughter. With only one income, few resources are available for an opportunity like a week of overnight camp

Josh's family is doing their best to provide for their children, and with the help of a camper scholarship, Josh was able to attend Elementary Sports Camp at Camp Hebron. At camp, Josh was able to play soccer, kickball, frisbee golf, floor hockey, and gym games. Additional activities such as archery, lake games, climbing the rock wall & boating kept Josh and the other campers active and moving throughout the day. Nightly vespers & cabin time with his counselor provided Josh with spiritual input and Christian teaching.

The sports campers remained on-the-go from morning until evening without electronic devices, cell phones, TV and other distractions. They grew in independence during their time at camp, especially those who had received camperships (as they had never been away at an overnight camp before). This first-time experience for Josh lead to a new understanding of self-worth. Perhaps the single most significant impact on Josh was the joy and gratitude he exhibited while on the Camp Hebron grounds: The delight on his face pretty much said it all. 

Stories like Josh's and countless others remind us just how significant the impact of camp can be, not only for a week, but for years to come.

Interested in helping send kids like Josh to camp? Play in our annual golf tournament or visit our camperships page for more information.

See & hear for yourself Josh's quick 60 second segment on Camp.