My Connection to Camp

By long-term volunteer, Carol Martin

I have been associated with Camp Hebron since the late '60s when my grandparents placed a trailer on Turkey Lane. By 1970 my parents followed suit and placed a trailer on the lot beside my grandparents.  I spent the summers as a camper in the early '70s, then worked summers at camp in the late '70s. I joined the full time staff in the early '80s serving as a head cook.  

I love camp! I remember my days on staff and knew I wanted to give back whenever I could. Volunteering is a win-win for me because I get to serve others plus be in the mountains enjoying God's creation. 

I remember my days on staff and knew I wanted to give back whenever I could.

I spend many weekends either working in the kitchen or serving as Hostess at Sylvan View. Sylvia and Karen are the two Camp staff members I "answer" to, so both jobs are completely different.   

Working in the kitchen is so much fun.  The days are long, but very rewarding, especially the new friends you make working on staff.  Meal preparation and serving the guests is the highlight.  You want to be sure the guests are well fed and enjoy what they are eating and food presentation is just as important. 

While working as hostess I am directly involved with the guests when "issues" arise.  Making the guests feel like they are the most important person that weekend is important to me.  Interacting with them, laughing with them, and praying with them are all part of a successful weekend.

Serving others is outside of my local community is also important and rewarding to me.  I just returned from my 7th trip to Honduras leading a dental team.  The team goes to remote areas in the southern part of the country where it sets up a dental clinic in a "central" location, at a school where children from the surrounding area come to us.  We provide dental education, dental hygiene services (cleanings and fluoride), and extractions as needed. Most of the children we serve have never had dental care. 

It is truly an honor to serve at camp on weekends.


If you are looking for a place to use your time & talents visit our volunteer page or call the camp office at 717-896-3441.