Camp Welcomes Erin Gearhart

by: Erin Gearhart, Receptionist


The year I turned seven, my family embarked on a new adventure, as we moved to Camp Hebron & my mom became the Food Service Director. Summers were filled with many weeks of camp; splashing around in the pool, just about everyday; making new friends; & having the summer staff over for s'mores, spontaneous game & worship nights.

In the slower months, all the kids who lived at camp would play all over the grounds making our imaginations come alive in the woods & on the playgrounds. Throughout the years countless memories were made that I'll treasure always. Years later, I never would have thought I'd be working in the office at Camp but I feel very blessed to be here.

Whipping up lattes & brewing coffee with a smile at Starbucks is another place you may see me outside of Camp Hebron. My life has its share of adventures & wouldn't be complete without my amazing family & dear friends that God has placed in my life. They all play a huge part in helping me pursue my dreams, one of which is becoming a certified doula. Camp Hebron is a place that helps you reconnect with God & the simple beauties of life & will always hold a special place in my heart.