People Like Don Help Camp Succeed

Camp Hebron has a rich history of volunteer support stretching back nearly six decades. That tradition continues today with folks like Don Forker, a dedicated camp volunteer. Read on below to hear Don's story and passion for camp.


Written By: Don Forker

I became involved with Camp Hebron through our daughter Sara.  She was involved as a WIT (Wrangler in Training), attended horse camps, took riding/jumping lessons and served in the kitchen as part of their summer staff.  Camp provided a “safe” place where she was accepted for herself and faith was shared.  Her work ethic and teamwork skills were developed and she witnessed people sharing, giving and volunteering.  She learned about commitment and responsibility and doing what needed to be done, whatever the task.  This was done with other leaders, campers, WITs and volunteers building Sara’s social skills in a positive environment.  I believe the time spent at Camp Hebron is a part of the caring, responsible person Sara is today.


I have been involved with camp 15 or so years and during that time witnessed Hebron staff working with people of all ages, backgrounds and challenges using camp resources, (the horse program and/or other facilities/programs) to share their faith and build others up.  I enjoy the people at camp and am impressed with camp’s programs.  I enjoy “Showdeos” and hearing camper’s stories from the week and seeing the close relationships that have developed, faith that has been strengthened or initially sparked, and self-esteem nurtured.  I am often moved by the care/concern at-risk individuals or people with special needs are given so they can enjoy what many take for granted.  I enjoy horse rides around camp taking in the quiet beauty of the woods, the wildlife, the streams/ponds on one of God’s magnificent creatures.

I hope the good Lord blesses me with the resources and abilities to volunteer at camp for years to come.

I donate time/money to camp because I believe in camp.  Camp offers many unique programs and experiences offered few other places in the area.  There is only so much time and money to offer and I like to know the effort and resources are going where they will make a difference and not just a handout but a helping hand where people can choose a better way.  With any volunteer work, believing in the cause helps keep the focus on the end objective to see things through.  Things may not always go smoothly and there can be disagreements and challenges but by putting heads and ideas together and working out the differences better solutions result.  Being associated with camp is a nice break from the daily rat race and, in the end, goals like BTB (Build The Barn) can be accomplished.  There is something renewing and uplifting about contributing to Camp Hebron and about the relationships we have developed with many camp staff and others associated with the camp.  I hope the good Lord blesses me with the resources and abilities to volunteer at camp for years to come.

Many thanks to Don, his wife Patti, and countless others who are dedicating their time, talent & treasure toward advancing the mission of Camp Hebron. Want to join the cause? Follow the links below to get involved.