The Power of Camp

By Christian Peifer


For as long as I can remember Camp Hebron has held an extremely special place in my heart. The first time I was at Hebron, I was six months old camping with my family, and church friends. These weekend camping excursions planted the love of camp in me, and it grow when I first attended friendship camp. From that year on I never missed a year of camp. Whether is was a cabin
camp, Adventure camp or Bacon Bibles and Brothers, getting to camp was a priority to me obviously because camp is awesome!

I believe that a change of space and pace are important in connecting with Jesus in an intimate and impactful way. Getting away from the busyness and routine of life and taking time to slow down and focus on greater things. Camp Hebron has worked really hard to create an atmosphere that allows people to connect with Jesus and this is the case for me. Some of my first memories and experiences of the overwhelming presence of God and the work of the Holy spirit are found at Camp. Because of my pivotal moments with the Lord at camp, I knew that I wanted to be a counselor some day and share that same love that I had experienced with
the next generation of campers.


The summer before my senior year in High School I transitioned from camper to staffer when I was a staff in training. In my two weeks at camp the Lord taught me a lot about relying on him for strength and he also confirmed my passion to work at camp. I have since been a Counselor for two summers and they were hands down the best two summers of my life. There’s just something incredible about surrendering things of this world and following Jesus. The Lord moves when you create a space for him to show up and being surrounded by friends my age who are on fire for Jesus inspired me to pursue him deeper.

The thing about Camp that has impacted me the most is the lifestyle that is portrayed. One that is living in full surrender to Jesus and the freedom that is found in letting the Lord take control Time and time again Jesus just blew my mind in how he would show up and speak, provide, protect and heal when at camp. Living this kind of life is exciting and full and adventure and it extends way beyond the summer. One major lesson that camp has taught me to take time and listen to people’s stories. One of the best ways
to show love is simply to take time to invest and listen to someone’s story, because we all have a story to tell.

Camp Hebron is a big part of why I am who I am today and I pray that this would be the same for anyone who comes to camp for years to come.

You too can be part of something extraordinary.  2017 mark Camp Hebron's 60th anniversary and we need your help Today! In keeping camp affordable to all, please partner with us in a year-end gift to camp! Your gift will help camp continue its ministry and reach the next generation of campers.