Reflections from the One and Only : Sylvia Gearhart

I have been a part of Camp Hebron either directly or indirectly since June 1992 doing what I LOVE to do: work with kids and food. Camp Hebron has and will always hold a very special and tender spot in my heart.
When I took the position as the FSD in 1992 we fed campers in 3 kitchen and dining facilities; Sylvan View, Breezewood, and Brookside. I then resigned in 1999 to teach foods in the public school system and returned to camp again in 2012. I NEVER in a million years thought I would return to camp for the second time but God did.

Sylvia Gearhart with her fellow “Silver Foxes” : Carol Martin and Ruth Kleim

Sylvia Gearhart with her fellow “Silver Foxes” : Carol Martin and Ruth Kleim

Round two was extremely special to me. The second time around my children brought their children to come to visit me in the kitchen and enjoy the atmosphere of the camp. This past summer - which was my last summer to work at Camp - we fed all the campers out of one kitchen and dining facility. Changes are inevitable in this world and especially in the camping ministry.

Wow, do I ever have fond memories of working with many high school students, volunteers, board members, leaseholders, and others over the many years I was working at camp. All I can say is THANK YOU GOD for allowing me to do what I love for many years. And THANK YOU to the many summer staffers and year-round KAs who have touched and enhanced my life.

Join me in prayer for God’s best for Camp Hebron; spiritually, physically, and financially. Be blessed as you continue to serve the Lord in the corner and platform God has planted you.

This is the power of camp! You too can be part of something extraordinary. We need your help on Friday, November 20th beginning at midnight. Join Camp Hebron in the Extraordinary Give - One BIG 24 hour day of giving! Your dollars will be part of a S-T-R-E-T-C-H pool and random financial prizes are chosen throughout the day so your money with stretch even further to help camp. Just click Here to share our page, be a fundraising champion and to donate.

PS - We love you too Sylvia.