A Letter From Dustin

Dear Friends,

In the five months since I’ve come to Camp Hebron, I have been amazed by the steady flow of people telling me about the different ways in which Camp has been a part of their life. Some came as summer campers, some as part of a church retreat. Some came for gatherings and others to simply rest in the campground. Many served as volunteers or worked on staff for a season. Through all these experiences, a common thread persists: Camp Hebron has been a sanctuary, a place set aside for renewal and growth, for rest and refreshment. I am committed to keeping it this way.


Our ministry plan for this year is titled “A Firm Foundation,” representing both the true foundation upon which we operate, Christ, and a focus on laying the groundwork for a sustainable, healthy ministry. As I interact with people who have been connected to Camp Hebron over the years, I am reminded of the many, many bricks that have already been laid in this foundation. We are standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. I am grateful beyond words for all who have participated in making Camp Hebron what it is today.

As we press forward into a new era, I invite your ongoing involvement. Your participation is needed now as much as ever: Camp Hebron functions best as a partnership between stakeholders and staff, where all join together to fulfill the purpose that God has laid before us. I encourage you to come volunteer for a day, and stop by to tell me about how you first came to Camp. Visit as a day guest, and experience anew the splendor of creation. Support a special project, and write me a note to share what motivated you to give. If Camp Hebron has been a part of your life, then you are a participant in A Firm Foundation, a part of the ongoing work of connecting people with God, nature and each other. I look forward to serving together with you.

Dustin Musser
Executive Director