A Journey from Homelessness to Camper

Michael* is only ten years old, but has experienced things no child should have to go through during the first decade of life.

Over the years Michael has struggled in school with a learning disability prohibiting him from concentrating, which has forced him to work harder than other kids in his class just to keep up. Along the way, he hasn't had the best clothes and has not always been well fed.  

Christian Summer Camps

At age eight, when things didn't seem like they could get any worse, he found out his mom had cancer and it was in the final stages. In less than six months she was gone. 

This left Michael and his dad homeless, as his dad was out of work. Before they knew it, Michael and his dad were living in a van. Things were bleak but Michael's dad was employable, and they moved to a new town where there were more opportunities.

The move to a new school set Michael back. It was hard for him to keep up at first, but after a year he began to plug in and get the help he needed.

Camp Hebron was introduced to Michael through his elementary school: Camp staff work with local schools to identify kids who could benefit physically, mentally and emotionally from the overnight summer camp experience.

There was no question that Michael would be a great choice to benefit from a full camper scholarship, which he was granted. When the camp week finally came Michael was grinning from ear to ear, was well mannered and thoroughly enjoying his cabin camp experience.

While at Camp, Michael was able to go swimming, horseback riding, rock wall climbing and hiking. He enjoyed archery, outdoor games, 'slip and slide' and more. He heard the good news of Jesus each night at vespers, and he experienced the love and attention of camp's passionate counselors. How cool is that!?

Michael and his dad are slowly getting back on their feet, attending a local church, and will continue to stay connected with camp. Special thanks to all the individuals, business & foundations that support Camp Hebron, making opportunities like this possible for children like Michael. If you'd like to help send other kids like Michael to camp, you can make a donation below or by joining us for our Annual Benefit Golf Tournament where all proceeds go to our Campership Fund. 

*Name changed to protect identity.