Summer Plans? How Working at Camp Can Change Your Life

By Kyle Martin: Marketing & Development Associate, Camp Hebron

God has used camping ministry to impact every area of my life: my faith, education, career and my family.

At age 12 I attended a Bible camp in the Poconos where I made many friends, but most importantly came to trust in Jesus as my Savior. After years of being a camper, I decided to take the plunge and become a summer staff member.  One summer on staff got me hooked on camping ministry and made me realize this is what I wanted to do with my life. I believe in my heart that camping ministry is one of the most effective ways to evangelize to youth – a week full of fun and no societal distractions topped off with children being affirmed through the love of Christ displayed by staff. It’s a recipe for success.

Working at a Christian camp influenced me to attend Cairn University (formerly Philadelphia Biblical University). I made a conscious decision to pursue an education that would directly benefit the ministries I would become a part of- this led me to study Business Administration and Bible. While going to school, and running a summer camp program, I met my future wife Hannah. Not only did we meet at camp – I proposed to her at camp, and months later held our wedding ceremony at our camp.   


God has used Christian camping as an avenue to teach and give me so much. This is why I am committed to the cause of Christian camping here at Camp Hebron. I want to be a part of giving those experiences I had to future generations in order for lives to be changed.

Want to create some of the best memories of your life this summer? Then consider joining us on summer staff at Camp Hebron. There a few positions left.

If you would like to join our summer staff click here.